Saturday, December 14, 2013

aches and pains

Some days, the pain is only a 3
Other days, it is a 7
Occasionally, it soars to a 10
but it doesn't last long
It doesn't bruise
But my eyes look tired
My face tells all
My mask is weakened
The pain presses against the mask
Begging it to fall away
Because it's too tight
With pain comes swelling
and inflammation
But no outward signs
So no one knows
To handle me with care
But my body screams
For sweet relief
That never comes
So with each new day
With grace and mercy
With forgiveness and love
Come aches and pains
Unreachable and untouchable
Incurable and Indescribable
The scale goes to 10
Today was a 12


...of headaches
...of heartaches
...of mis-understandings
...of un-knowings
...of coming up short
    (and not because of my height)
...of bumping my head on that glass
...of not-enough-ness
...of lists that offer insight but no solutions
So, I will sleep
Until I am no longer tired.

Reverendsister's Ink ©2013

Monday, December 2, 2013

Every fail is not epic

I looked at my November blog postings and saw that I had only posted 14 days out of 30. Hmm...that was not the plan. I had planned to write and/or post every day in the month of November. So, by my grading scale, I have not achieved 50% and that, my friends is a failing grade. Professor Jones would return that assignment with a note of "see me about this" written in neat penmanship on the cover page. I looked at the stats and thought..."Ugh, that was an epic fail!" Then I remembered that I do not embrace the term "epic fail" because as an English teacher, I actually know what epic means. My plan to post for 30 days in a row is not any parts of epic. I am not narrating my heroic journey and though I would like to think that my writing is particularly impressive or remarkable, I am realistic. It's good some days and on other days, it's just for my own catharsis. (And I am okay with that!)

So, I'm just posting this to say that I failed in my mission to post every day in the month of November, but that failure to reach the goal was in no way epic. I am going to be kind to myself and resist the use of the term epic for this failure. John Maxwell fans are acquainted with the term "failing forward" and that is what this is. I did not achieve the goal of writing and posting for November 2013 but it's not the end of the world. Advent awaits and I will try again! I will move forward...again and again! Won't you come along for the ride? I hope so! Gotta go refill the kitty so that I will have more to post in the days to come!
