Monday, April 15, 2013

I Thought You Knew

I Thought You Knew

All this time,
I thought you knew
I mean, I did tell you
Many times
Many ways
so I thought you knew

I told you on the good days
so that I wouldn't have to explain
when the bad days came
So, I thought you knew

I thought you knew
How I hear the reverb of
Hurtful words in my head
for days at a time
While compliments fall to the ground
like leaves slapping concrete
Before being blown into brown bags
And carted away like old love letters

I thought you knew
And agreed to understand
that I have porcupine days
When my quills stand out
Because I don't feel safe anymore
And I need you to handle me
Because you're not the first
To forget
or misunderstand
But I thought you knew

Reverendsister's Ink

(drafting...there's more I think)


  1. I REALLY enjoyed this piece...I stumbled onto your site because you recently became a fan of my FB artist page and I try, as much as it is possible, to know who "likes me". *smile*

    I'm really glad I did because this piece really spoke to the truth of my experience. These words felt like deja vu. Thank you.

    1. So glad you liked it! Hope you'll keep reading!! So nice to "meet" you! :-)

  2. Ditto and I will! I also have a blog, albeit far more random (lol).

