Monday, December 31, 2012

My Love

My love is that ruach breath of life
blown into dust by Divinity to create man
and God said, "It is good!"
My love is that line separating life from death.
Good from evil.
Night from day.
Male from female.
My love is higher than the peak of Kilimanjaro
but is so ancient that it remembers
when it had not yet been measured.
My love is so smooth it corrects your grammar
before a word is misspoken.
My love wears camouflage to protect itself
from snipers in trees and
enemies with heart shaped hand grenades
My love will make you stay up all night
like the darkest awaiting the dawn
My love transcends without trespassing
and communicates without commandeering.
My love feeds on beauty and grows exponentially
being born in my mind yet
borne on these futile words.
My love is light, life and forgiveness.
My love was baptized in the Jordan
Prays to the east
Understands sutras
And meditates on peace
to the end of zen
And is solely and eternally for you,
For you are...
My love.

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