She speaks to me and
She hears me when I speak
She knows my heart and my thoughts
She is my closest ally most times
There are days though,
when she abandons me
I do not know where she goes
I do not know who she meets in
her secret
clandestine meetings
without me
I do not have any trace of her
only memories of fun times together
I remember and cling
because it is all I know
I do not know if she knows
how it hurts when she leaves
I do not know if she realizes
that I ache when she is gone
I lose all orientation
I lose my will to live
because without her
I cannot think and
I can barely breathe
and there is no life of the mind
when there is no mind
She knows all of my secrets
I wonder if she is telling them
In her absence, I wonder
if I am telling them
by accident
without her as my guardian
She guards my mouth
and when she is absent
who knows what i will say
to the careless listener
who is rendered speechless
in the presence of
the revelation of
the life of my mind
which is now gone again
I trust her with all
of my thoughts
all of my wandering
I love her but she betrays me
she leaves me
she leaves no number
I cannot find her
And I need her so
She returns and we
come together again
and then we fall
into our rhythms again
the rhythm of clear thought
the release of clinging
the release of anxiety
for with her,
I am safe again
She is me
and I am she
but my mind is a wild thing
incapable of commitment
only brilliant flashes
and moments of grandeur
and winged feet
that carry her away
leaving me feeling
like even the life of my mind
is suicidal
Reverendsister's Ink (c) 2013