Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Gave and Took (in progress)

Gave and Took

Most relationships have a balance
of give and take
When I look at ours
I see that one of us gave
and one of us took
There's a reason
why give and take are
in the present tense
as actions going on
right now
as opposed to what actually 
in the past but continuously
one of us gave
and the other took
The math was bad
but no one checked our work
one of us gave
and the other just took
The giver developed a condition
of congestive heart failure
from a lack of reciprocity
in the give and take
a condition made acute by 
the took and taking
No transfusion will 
cure the condition
Liars say that
time heals all wounds
I daresay
not so
love and attentiveness
and restoration of the gift
back to the giver
 with a fence to protect 
and guard against
another who merely
like a child on halloween
with hands out and expectations high
only in it for the goods
publicly on the take
with the world's blessing
all trick
no treat
The give
eclipsed by
The crook who only took

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