Friday, June 21, 2013


She speaks to me and 
She hears me when I speak
She knows my heart and my thoughts
She is my closest ally most times
There are days though,
when she abandons me
I do not know where she goes
I do not know who she meets in 
her secret
clandestine meetings
without me
I do not have any trace of her
only memories of fun times together
I remember and cling 
because it is all I know 
I do not know if she knows
how it hurts when she leaves
I do not know if she realizes
that I ache when she is gone
 I lose all orientation
I lose my will to live
because without her 
I cannot think and 
I can barely breathe
and there is no life of the mind
when there is no mind
She knows all of my secrets
I wonder if she is telling them
In her absence, I wonder
 if I am telling them
by accident
without her as my guardian
She guards my mouth 
and when she is absent
 who knows what i will say
to the careless listener
who is rendered speechless
in the presence of
the revelation of
the life of my  mind
which is now gone again
I trust her with all
of my thoughts
all of my wandering
I love her but she betrays me
she leaves me
she leaves no number
I cannot find her
And I need her so
She returns and we
come together again
and then we fall
into our rhythms again
 the rhythm of clear thought
the release of clinging
the release of anxiety
for with her,
I am safe again
She is me 
and I am she
but my mind is a wild thing
incapable of commitment
only brilliant flashes
and moments of grandeur
and winged feet
that carry her away
leaving me feeling
like even the life of my mind
is suicidal

Reverendsister's Ink (c) 2013


(Saying) my name

I had a name
I heard you
Say it
I remember it
rolling off of your lips
like sweet sticky peach juice
after that first bite
tried to capture it again
tried to pull it back into your mouth
and you found that
you could not
it had become a drop
it had fallen to the ground
attracting hungry ants
with all of its sugary splendor
and they consumed 
what they did not know
was my name
having fallen sweetly 
from your lips

I had a name
until you changed it
and you said it
with heat and fire
aflame on an arrow
meant to pierce my heart
but it hit the bone
and burnt the marrow
and I began to die
do not utter my name
for it is not safe 
in your mouth
where flames char the vowels
and crisp the consonants
forget my name
for it is not safe
in your mouth

Now, I long for One
to change my name
Sarah and Sarai
Mara and Naomi
Esther and Hadassah
What shall my name be
I know I have a new name
over in glory 
...and it's mine
     ...all mine
But Dear God
when You change my name
say my name
on the wind
say my name 
on the stars
say my name 
in the voice of a child
say my name
in the loving tenor of a man
say my name
on moon's bright beams

Oh Dear God
say my name
on blades of grass
and petals of tulips
say my name 
in syrup and in honey
say my name 
in rain's pelting drops

Oh, My God
say my name
call me
over and over
say my name
over and over

But Oh My God
my soul cries
for You to say my name
when You say
You Love Me
so I will know
it's me
to whom You speak
when You say my name
in water, wind and sacrament

Carla, I love you
so do this in remembrance of Me
Though you cannot say My Holy Name
Carla, I love you
for you keep My Holy Name
safe in your mouth
Carla, I love you
and I have called you 
by name
I have called you by 
your new name
My Beloved
in this, hear and know
you are mine
and you are loved

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Gave and Took (in progress)

Gave and Took

Most relationships have a balance
of give and take
When I look at ours
I see that one of us gave
and one of us took
There's a reason
why give and take are
in the present tense
as actions going on
right now
as opposed to what actually 
in the past but continuously
one of us gave
and the other took
The math was bad
but no one checked our work
one of us gave
and the other just took
The giver developed a condition
of congestive heart failure
from a lack of reciprocity
in the give and take
a condition made acute by 
the took and taking
No transfusion will 
cure the condition
Liars say that
time heals all wounds
I daresay
not so
love and attentiveness
and restoration of the gift
back to the giver
 with a fence to protect 
and guard against
another who merely
like a child on halloween
with hands out and expectations high
only in it for the goods
publicly on the take
with the world's blessing
all trick
no treat
The give
eclipsed by
The crook who only took