Tuesday, November 5, 2013

I Was Supposed To Write a Love Poem

(Written around the time of the inauguration)

I was supposed to write a love poem

about hands and lips and thighs
but then I lost my words
I had no words of sweet nothings in my ear
and deft fingers running through my hair
i had none of those thoughts
instead I tried to find words that rhymed
with incarceration and literacy rates
I tried to find words that sounded like dream
but misspelled as scream

my not watching makes it no less historic
and makes me no less patriotic
neither does your attendance 
make you more

while children in your circles
still get tracked for prison
while you are chasing paper
they are chasing
the futility of their dreams
because we refuse 
to teach them who they really are

Malcolm asked us to remember
we say we remember Dr. King but
how can you remember that which you never knew
nobody will come for you
if you post from the media sanctioned speeches
but let's see if you still don't give a Huck
when he's standing over your bed on assignment
because you wrote
free mumia
free angela
or the like
tell me, where's the scandal in that?

putting picstitch pics of the Kings and the Obamas
as if that's the simplicity of black life
there are complications
teach the children the burden of being the Preacher King
don't excuse the philandering
but do discuss it

we want to buy our clothes from the same store as Michelle
but why don't we apply to the same institutions of higher learning?
oh, because you were watching Love and hiphop while
she was studying latin roots.

Doggone it. I was supposed to write a love poem!

Reverendsister's Ink © 2013

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