Monday, January 7, 2013

I saw them too

Other people on the train

He’s slim. She's tall. Her hand on his Lower back as she guides him onto the train. He's looking for a place to sit but there are no places big enough for both of them. So they stand. I look up and find her leaning on him, nearly eclipsing him from my vantage point. She has her hand on his shoulder. She's reaching up from the back and cupping his shoulder with her hand. Her chin rests on his shoulder and he must have whispered something to her because she's smiling now. His hand is masked by her faded thin blue denim jacket but I can still see the imprint of his long thin fingers near the middle of her back. One tatted arm stretches upward and his wrist rests on the bar that keeps him stable while she leans in and the train gently rocks us back and forth. She peeks at me from beneath a heavy set of false lashes and the hair she wears rests gently on her shoulder - motionless. The train stops and I notice that she leans out a bit and pulls her hair over her left shoulder with a coy gesture meant for but lost on him. Under the brim of a black and red baseball cap, his red eyes quickly survey the train and almost in sync with the car doors, his eyes close and he resumes his protective posture for the rest of the ride.

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