Wednesday, November 21, 2012



On Sunday, I watched a TD Jakes sermon called Commitment and it was, as the churchy people say, right on time. I have committed to not only writing but also publishing a piece of writing every day for the month of November and it has become a habit that I enjoy and look forward to every morning. Fortunately, I really don't have time to write like I want to, so the act of carving out time is also an exercise in commitment. I will do this every day whether the circumstances are conducive or not. It is growing me and that's one of the things I look for in a relationship. Can this relationship grow in nurture me and not just in the proverbial "whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger" kind of way?? (Healthy living, exercise, quiet time and love don't kill you and can make you stronger too! Don't trip, all growth doesn't come from pain although some might.) I am committed to my craft and will revisit my goals as December approaches. I wonder what other people are committed to these days. It's really quite awesome to see the fruits of something as small as this. If you're thinking about your own commitments, let me tell you, starting is the hardest part. (Go on, what are you waiting for? Do it! Do it! You're not alone! Look at the number of posts I have for the month of November! One post a day and one day at a time!)

I claimed November as my "turning point" month and this weekend is my first test...or maybe it's a lab..I'm not sure. I committed to perform at an open mic event and though I feel a slight cold and sore throat coming on *cough, cough* I have made the commitment and now the only obstacle is fear. Writing on my iPad and touching the screen where I see the ominous word "publish" is very different from having to open my mouth and release the words that are in my mind and heart. Ah, but that's the best part. Once I put on my game face and forget that I am in front of other people...I just might be okay. The point is that whether I pass or fail, failure to act is the ultimate betrayal of my I guess I should act in fidelity...and plan my outfit!

shalom and love and courage!

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